Prezentare despre Hedda Sterne/Presentation about Hedda Sterne Hedda Sterne, Untitled, 1941, Gouache on paper, copyright: Hedda Sterne Foundation, New York Hedda Sterne, Untitled, 1941, Gouache on paper, copyright: Hedda Sterne Foundation, New York, Licensed by ARS, New York, NY 21 IANUARIE, PREZENTARE, CASA FILIPESCU-CESIANU, CALEA VICTORIEI 151, LA MANSARDĂ, ORA 16.00 / JANUARY 21, PRESENTATION, CASA FILIPESCU-CESIANU, CALEA VICTORIEI 151, ATTIC LEVEL, 4 PM Prezentare despre viaţa şi opera Heddei Sterne între anii 1937 şi 1941 – cu Shaina Larrivee, Directoarea Fundaţiei Hedda Sterne, New York. EN Presentation about the life and work of Hedda Sterne during the years 1937 – 1941 and her migration through war-torn Europe after the Bucharest pogrom – by Shaina Larrivee, Director of the Hedda Sterne Foundation, New York.